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At Dalmain Primary School we believe that the curriculum is a powerful tool that promotes a lifelong love of learning. We aim to provide a creative, inclusive and challenging curriculum that reflects our children and our community. Our absolute focus and rigour in teaching core academic subjects is balanced with an understanding that providing a broad curriculum is paramount for equipping our children with the skills required to be independent, reflective and responsible citizen in a 21st century global society.

Our whole school school curriculum is carefully planned to ensure there is a progressive build up of knowledge and skills across the school. We have adopted a project-based approach where each year group has a half- termly topic inspired by a quality text or a foundation subject. The children spend time acquiring a depth of knowledge across a range of subjects which they can then apply to a planned outcome, e.g. mini museums, exhibitions and presentations. This ensures that learning is engaging and inspiring, and gives our children a context to apply their English and Maths skills across the wider curriculum.

Click on the link below to see the full curriculum plans for each year group for the 2024-25 year.

Nursery Curriculum Overview

Reception Curriculum Overview

Year 1-6 Curriculum Overview

Whole School Enrichment Curriculum

If you wish to find out more information about the curriculum Dalmain follows, please follow the subject links below or contact the school at


We offer our children weekly lessons taught by specialist Art, Music, and Sports teachers and Dance sessions with Trinity Laban.

'I love Trinity Laban, it gives me the freedom to express myself  and it's so exciting to perform at Catford Broadway Theatre!'


'Having a specialist teacher in Art really helps you, we are given lots of really good advice on how we can improve. I love Art so much it gives you something exciting to work towards!' 


We place high importance on outdoor learning and aim for all children to make regular use of our outdoor areas, including through Forest School sessions in our Wildlife Garden. 



Learning is enriched by the inclusion of a range of visits and trips, and by inviting visitors into school. We make full use of our proximity to London's culture to ensure all our children celebrate and embrace the different backgrounds, heritage, languages and traditions of our community.