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Physical Education

Click here for our Progression of Skills document for this subject.

At Dalmain, we know the importance of physical activity on developing a healthy lifestyle and positive mental health. We offer a wide variety of outdoors sports in our dedicated sport facility know as the PEN.

Every class has a weekly hour session in the PEN where they have a varied programme of sports such as athletics, football, hockey, cricket, basketball and netball. We have a specialist sports coach who supports all the teachers with their planning and spends a term teaching children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Having such a wonderful sports facilities means we offer a variety of after school clubs, please see the Clubs and Activities section for more details.

We are really looking forward to a year of sporting fixtures with other local schools and the restart of the Lewisham football league held in Blackheath on Saturdays. We have a very successful girls and boys team from year 3 onwards coached by our specialist sports teacher.





Class teachers teach indoor PE where there is a focus on developing skills in dance and gymnastics. We are extremely proud to have a well established working relationship with Trinity Laban. All children in year 5 and 6 have weekly dance lessons with a specialist teacher and work towards a performance at Catford Broadway Theatre as part of Lewisham's Live Dance festival.