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Clubs & Activities

 Curriculum Clubs

We run a wide variety of extra curricular clubs at Dalmain, such as Performing Arts, Dance, Football Clubs. We vary our clubs on a term by term basis, depending on demand.

Cost of Clubs

Each club runs for 10 weeks per term and costs vary depending on the club. If the club is run by a school adult it's £25 or if they are run by a professionals prices start at £35.  If your child is currently / has been on Free School Meals, then you could be entitled to 50% off the full price for curriculum clubs.

Payment for clubs is required in full at the start of every full term. Failure to pay could result in the space being offered to another child. No refunds will be given during that term.

Children are invited to select a club at the start of each academic term, and we endeavour to place as many children as possible in their first choice of club.

As well as joining a club, all children are invited to join the school choir.

If your child is not enrolled in a club but would like to join one, please speak to a member of the School Office Team to see if there are any vacancies. Alternatively you can email

Please click here to see this terms list of clubs. 

Clubs will run on the weeks beginning:

Monday 13 January

Monday 20 January

Monday 27 January

Monday 3 February

Monday 10 February


Monday 24 February

Monday 3 March

Monday 10 March

Monday 17 March

Monday 24 March

Music Lessons

Instruments Lessons Available

All children from Year 1 upwards are invited to play a musical instrument.

The instrumental lessons we currently offer are: piano, clarinet, flute, saxophone, recorder, cornet, trumpet, tenor horn, baritone, guitar, violin, cello, ukulele, and djembe.

Cost of Lessons

Instrumental lessons run for 10 weeks of each term and cost £90 per term for group lessons or £150 for an individual lesson. Each lesson is 30 minutes per week with piano lessons in year 1 to 3 being 20 minutes. If your child is currently / has been on Free School Meals, then you could be entitled to 50% off the full price for music tuition. If you require further information, please contact the School Office.

Instrument Hire

Apart from piano, families will need to hire their own instruments, either from an external provider or from the school. The school holds a small amount of instruments available for loan but we cannot guarantee all instrument sizes.  

Payment for tuition is required in full at the start of every full term. Failure to pay could result in the space being offered to another child. No refunds will be given during that term.

If a pupil would like to learn and instrument, please contact a member of the School Office to enquire about any vacancies. Alternatively you can email


Instrumental lesson dates for this term are on the weeks beginning:

Instrumental lessons will run on the weeks beginning:

Monday 13 January

Monday 20 January

Monday 27 January

Monday 3 February

Monday 10 February


Monday 24 February

Monday 3 March

Monday 10 March

Monday 17 March

Monday 24 March

School Council

Dalmain’s School Council is comprised of two elected members from each class.


  • For all pupils’ social development
  • To ensure pupils have a voice in the running and improvement of the school
  • To give children an opportunity to develop independence and initiative
  • To cover cross-curricular aspects of the PHSCE, English and Maths curriculum
  • To develop thinking skills and to contribute to whole-school focus on problem solving
  • To develop pupils’ speaking and listening skills.

Activities of a School Councillor:

  • Participate in class discussions about issues for School Council
  • Represent the views of the class at School Council meetings
  • Participate in School Council meetings (usually Monday lunch time)
  • Take responsibility for action agreed at School Council meetings
  • Feed back to the class and the teacher about what has happened at the School Council meeting.

If pupils have an issue that they would like discussed at School Council, they can approach their class representatives who will speak on their behalf.

Eco Council

The Eco Council was set up to enable pupils to make active decisions on how to make the school more sustainable.  Every year two pupils are elected from each Key Stage 2 class to represent the views of their class on the Council.

This is Dalmain's Earth Pledge, created by the Eco Council: